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Monday, 6 May 2013

Evaluation question three: What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Additionally, New Line works in coordination with Warner Brothers to distribute the films, and with a revenue of 12 billion US$ they would have not only the financial means but also the prestige and recognition of working with a large multi-subsidary company would mean that the distribution of our film would be more effective and more widespread. 

In terms of distribution we felt New Line Cinema would be an appropriate choice. The company has produced many successful works of the thriller genre including one of our key influences "se7en"; which would allow for greater audience recognition and a greater status. This company which recently began to act as a division of time Warner is notable for its consistently high profits from the horror/thriller genre, with films such as snakes on a plane (gross US$62,022,014), The butterfly effect (gross US$ $96,060,858) and Se7en, which had a $327,311,859

Additionally, New Line works in coordination with Warner Brothers to distribute the films, and with a revenue of 12 billion US$ they would have not only the financial means but also the prestige and recognition of working with a large multi-subsidary company would mean that the distribution of our film would be more effective and more widespread.

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