Parental Guidance All ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for young children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references and moderate violence.
12A Films within this category may contain mature themes such as moderate violence, some discreet sex references (i.e. innuendos) and no content which may upset children or material which parents deem unsuitable. There should be little to no use of strong language.

15 - in a film with the ratoing 15 you would find: strong violence,frequent strong language (eg 'f***'),portrayals of sexual activity
,strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity,
brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug taking
18 works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as very strong violence, frequent strong language (eg 'f***') and/or very strong language (eg ‘c***’)strong portrayals of sexual activity scenes of sexual violence strong horror strong blood and sex (in some circumstances)discriminatory language and behaviour.
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